What we do
The nonprofit, Sustainable Family Communities, Inc. (SFC) is a Purpose Driven Organization providing policy makers, government officials, planners, philanthropists and other decision makers with tools and assistance to accelerate nationwide poverty reduction and sustainable community development using the Sustainable Family Communities® model.
That model, both comprehensive and compassionate:
- is designed to have a sustainable economy
- increases employment by creating and keeping jobs in the host state
- develops and uses clean, affordable domestic energy
- protects our environment and climate
- enhances food security of the nation
- trains, educates and develops workers and their families
- provides education and activities for children
- includes healthcare for Community residents
- reduces the number of orphans in the country

How we work

Influential Person Wants To See Less Poverty
- When an influential person, or an organization, passionate about a goal of eliminating extreme poverty and reducing the number of orphans in their country asks Sustainable Family Communities, Inc.
Unless there is demonstrated commitment from those who want to see the situation improve in their country, and they believe that our initiative can help, it would be fruitless to begin this community and economic development. Leadership must say, “Yes, we want and will support the implementation of this Sustainable Family Community initiative for the people and benefit of our country.” When we see that commitment, then we can donate our plans and guidance to help them establish SFCs in their country. - Create Country Leadership Organization - The second step is to establish a nonprofit or NGO, to be called the Country Leadership Organization (CLO) with a strong local Board of Directors who share the passion for this initiative. SFC-USA have already established a nonprofit in Mexico for this purpose will work with the Board of the CLO and its staff which will have responsibility for acquiring land and philanthropic funding for the first SFC, overseeing its operation and providing support as needed to ensure its success and long-term sustainability. The CLO will then continue to develop, oversee and support all future Communities as they are added.
- Land Acquisition and Funding - Once the land and funding have been acquired, a contract will be signed for design-build-operate-transfer of a commercial aquaculture and greenhouse business and a farm. The initial need for construction help and farm workers is an immediate help to the unemployed and their families.
- Businesses Produce Jobs and Benefits - The creation of training and jobs with good wages and benefits is the best thing that can happen in an area of extreme poverty. When completed, the businesses are the Economic Engine (EE) that will provide over 100 ongoing jobs, training, benefits and ownership opportunities for the workers. Their presence will also cause the creation of secondary jobs that will provide supplies and services to the Economic Engine and its workers. All of the benefits from each Community continue to accrue to the families, communities, economy and society of the country as the SFC initiative expands, Leading the Way Out of Global Poverty®.
- 100% of Profits Reinvested to Replicate - All of the profits from SFC owned businesses are reinvested back into the country’s SFC initiative to continue the elimination of extreme poverty. Estimated to be more than $1 million usd annually, the profits from each set of Economic Engine businesses are used for:
- ongoing training and development of the workers and their families,
- providing facilities and services needed as a small, poverty-free Community grows around the businesses and
- to begin another Economic Engine every year so more workers can experience this path out of poverty.
With this self-replication, each new set of businesses and its Community that is established, there is less and less extreme poverty. As poverty is reduced, so too are the effects of poverty such as crime, drugs, homelessness, delinquency and children being orphaned. - Digital Learning Organization & Self-Insuring - Communities are digitally networked into a proprietary Business Intelligence & Analytics Network enabling it to become a Learning Organization for continuous improvement and a Knowledge Base for all about how to build, operate and ensure that Sustainable Family Communities® last for generations. The network of Communities nationwide will also be self-insuring, sharing resources when a Community or its residents need help.
- A Shared Solution Leading the Way Out of Global Poverty® - Working together in country and guided and supported by the international SFC Headquarters, the SFC initiative eliminates extreme poverty as it expands throughout the country. As other countries follow the example, together we continue Leading the Way Out of Global Poverty® with Sustainable Family Communities®.
sfc organization
Strategy Moving Forward

This structure will apply to all countries.
All local country business laws will be followed.
As we expand to multi-national growth, we will add another organization level in the USA, such as the Latin American Leadership Organization, African LO, Asian LO, European LO, etc.
A worldwide digital Business Intelligence and Analytics Network and Knowledge Base will interconnect all SFCs.
who we serve
We serve impoverished families and children by helping families who are experiencing extreme poverty and whose children risk being placed in an orphanage.
Investigations have shown that more than 50% of children in orphanages are there due to poverty-related issues within their families
With that knowledge, our Board of Directors focused our goals on helping orphans in two ways:
- By serving those children who are not yet orphaned by reducing the family poverty that could result in child neglect, abuse or abandonment and being put into orphanages.
- By assisting families who want to adopt to be able to get children out of orphanages.
As a humanitarian, nonprofit organization, we consult with and assist countries that have extreme poverty in urban slums to create an alternative business-based employment path for adults who currently live in those slums, where many children are destined to become orphaned.
The creation of good jobs allows people to work their way out of poverty to a decent quality of life with dignity for themselves and their families in poverty-free Sustainable Family Communities®.
Your donations help us to help those in extreme poverty to have training and jobs for a better life.
Sustainable Family Communities® are a place where former orphaned children can now say: “These are my parents, this is my family and this is my home.”

Results of a Sustainable Family Community

Each Community is working to achieve several goals that, when accomplished, make up its long-term sustainability. SFCs are designed to achieve:
- Zero poverty — Community businesses in which the residents can earn wages, bonuses and ownership, combined with micro-enterprise development support for those who want to start their own businesses create opportunities for a middle-class lifestyle for those who choose to take advantage of them
- Zero waste — Family or business waste that is generated within the Community is reused, recycled or used in bio-mass conversion to create energy. Thus no waste leaves the Community.
- Economic self-sustainability — The captive economic engine, consisting of large commercial businesses and smaller businesses, gives control of a Community’s economic future to the workers and residents. By purposefully controlling operating expenses, so they remain covered by the earnings of the businesses, the Community is able to remain economically sustainable.
- Environmental sustainability — The environment is honored by beginning with respectful consideration of the land use. Then by consciously choosing to have that same respect for blending with and maintaining the environment in the architectural design, construction materials and operation of the Community. By choosing to live in an environmentally green manner, the Community natural and material resources continue to be available for future generations.
- Optimal crop nutrition — Agriculture production uses permaculture techniques and only natural fertilizer and pest control. No GMO seeds, chemical fertilizers or pesticides are allowed in the SFCs. Crops are 100% organic in order to achieve the highest possible nutritional value..
- Optimal farm animal health — All farm animals are respected and open grazed with no overcrowding. Food is species appropriate and does not contain ingredients considered to be harmful to the animal or humans.
- Social sustainability — Community residents are all in an SFC by choice. They all know that they are choosing to live in a sustainable way as individuals and families so that the Community itself continues to be sustainable. Operating decisions made regarding social activities, interactions and living in the Community include criteria that ensure the ongoing success and sustainability of the Community and its contribution to the society of the country.
- Food sustainability — Food, by design, is the major production item of the Community. Having a variety of crops and animals reduces the financial risk as well as the risk to food security. In the event of one crop failing or one species of animal having a disease, the other crops and animals ensure not only food for the Community, but continued production to sell. Families also have the opportunity to have permaculture gardens in their back yard which, when properly tended, have the capability of making an individual family food self-sustaining.
- Self-replication — The profits of a Community’s businesses are not just for the Community. Each Community exists to take care of itself and contribute to the sustainability of the nation. One of the ways this is done is by assisting to start at least one additional SFC per year so more citizens in the society have the same opportunities as those living in the Communities.
- Fair wage structure — Livable wages in Community owned businesses are based on a worker’s responsibility and performance. This applies to all levels from front-line labor to top managers in the businesses. The wage structure is also designed to respect and maintain balance in the local economy in which the SFC operates.
- Profit sharing and shared ownership — Compensation of employees includes sharing of the profits of the Community businesses. Also, being provided the opportunity for all workers in the commercial businesses to share in an Employee Stock Ownership Program (ESOP). The shares are earned based on time worked, and are also available for purchase if an employee desires to own additional shares.
- Decent quality-of-life — The Communities are designed with opportunities for jobs, training and additional services for both residents and non-resident employees. These opportunities, if taken advantage of, enable individuals to improve their and their family’s quality-of-life.
- Systematic growth — Growth and development are designed into the Community social environment. It has been said that if a person or business is not growing, it is dying. For an SFC to remain alive, vibrant and sustainable, it, and all of the residents and workers, must be growing and improving. This includes educational activities for all ages, skills training, and opportunities to pursue personal and professional interests.
- Respect and dignity for all — All residents and non-resident workers contribute meaningfully to the Community’s sustainability. Regardless of age, gender or job title, all are respected and valued as significant contributors to the Community and its successful operation.
- Education of all Community children — All Community children have the opportunity to attend school from kindergarten through university. Additional resources, including computers, tutors and counselors are available to encourage individual students on their path..
- Reliable clean water supply — Each Community has two water wells. This ensures a consistent supply for all residents and the businesses, such as the aquaculture, which rely on a constant supply. A location in one of the Community businesses makes the clean water available for purchase by non-residents who bring their own bottles.
- Healthy sanitation system — The sanitation system in each Community is an ecologically friendly system. It uses plants, oxygenation, movement and other natural methods to process the Community sewage.
- Alternative-energy usage — Alternative energy is integrated into each Community. The local conditions determine the form (wind, solar, water, etc.) which is most appropriate for each Community. Most Communities use a combination of local grid energy and alternative energy.
- Job skills proficiency — A company can excel to new heights only to the extent that its employees are capable of taking it there. Providing ongoing training for all workers and residents, including state-of-the-art computer skills training, increases their ability to contribute to their company and society. Their increased skill level translates into increased benefit to their family, the business in which they work, the Community and the society of which they are a part.
- A climate of micro-enterprise developmen — Tapping potential that exists in every individual is a worthy endeavor. Many individuals want to “do their own thing” by starting a business. SFCs are in the people-development business, so helping entrepreneurs to begin new businesses increases the strength of the Community and the nation.
- Healthy living environment — Health is a top priority within each SFC. Workshops and training programs on the benefits of good nutrition, exercise and safety are provided to assist residents and non-residents to keep themselves healthy. When additional help is needed, a clinic operated by the Community is able to assist by using both modern medicine and traditional indigenous medicine.
- Zero tolerance — Community residents agree to creating a safe place with no illegal drug possession, sale or use. These or other illegal activities are understood to be grounds for being expelled from an SFC.
- Support for adoption of orphan — Families in the Community who adopt children are assisting to improve their society. Thus, those desiring to adopt receive assistance from the Community to accomplish that outcome. The assistance may include legal help, travel expenses, training, counseling and tutoring. This benefit is extended to non-resident workers in the Community businesses when financial resources of the Community are available in the budget.
- Security and safety — Safety in the Community is the job of all residents and workers. Private, well-trained security personnel patrol the gated Community 24 hours a day. They also provide training programs in many aspects of home, work and Community safety for all workers and resident
- Longevity — SFCs are designed in many different ways to last for generations. When properly operated and maintained, the Community and its facilities will be available for future generations that also believe in the importance of living sustainably.